Prevail Forensic Mental Health Consulting, P.C.  

Mental health professionals can be the voice of mentally ill juvenile or adult clients who find themselves in trouble with the law. Forensic mental health services usually means assisting individual who may suffer from a mental illness with evaluation and counseling prior to court or at the order of the court.

Consult from a mental health professional in legal matters can help the defense or prosecution.

Assistance may pertain to court ordered evaluation, psychological testing, counseling, mitigating sentence, treatment planning, or developing structured plan to successfully complete probation.

Court approved substance abuse counseling and anger management sessions are available.

Insurance does not pay for any serves that maybe involved in legal matters because at that point, it may not be declared "medically necessary." 


Helping Family Court Identify Mental Illness in the Family (this is not custody evaluation)
Personal Injury

Juvenile or Adult Assistance in Defense
Mitigation Services
Forensic Treatment Planning
Pre-Trail Sexual Behavior Modification/Psychoeducation
Chaperone Classes
 Sex Offender Awareness Classes 
Occupational Licenses Substance Abuse Therapy for Montgomery County Court at Law # 2
 Substance Abuse Group
Substance Abuse Intensive Outpatient Therapy 
Anger Management Treatment

Retainers are required to be paid at the beginning of any forensic services.  The initial retainer is $5000 and billed at $250 per hour.  Expert testimony is a minimum of $ 1200, with each hour beyond the first four billed at $ 250 per hour.

  • ​Hourly Services = $250 (into 15 min increments)

    • Includes evaluation, testing, report writing, 1pg professional letters, 

    • phone or email correspondence, consults, professional meetings, 

    • records review, forensic preparation, and testimony

  • Forensic Counseling = $250 an hr (not covered by insurance)

  • Professional Correspondence = $50 per 15 min increments

  • Records = $125 + $.50 per page

  • Professional Letters = $250 

  • Affidavit Fee for Patient Records = $15

What is Forensic Mental Health Services ?